LLAMA (Lama glama)
Llamas are even-toed ungulates of the camel family, originated in the Northern Andean mountains about 6000-5500 years ago. Their predecessor is guanaco.
Distribution: Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, USA, Canada, Europe.
The first llamas in the „Rakši” were imported from Germany in 2006.
Weight: 130-180 kg
Height: 110-120 cm
Life Span: 20 years
Gestation: 11.5 months
* Together with people already ~ 5000 years.
* Used as load carriers, as well as for production of wool, meat and leather.
* Hardy animals, easily moves in inaccessible, rocky areas.
*They are great guards for smaller animal herds – sheeps, goats.
*The obtained yarn is soft, light, very warm and hypoallergenic.
* In Peru, Chile, the United States, New Zealand and now also in Europe llamas are popular companions for multi-day hikes.
* Great therapy animals – work in nursing homes, hospitals, schools.
* The sacred animals in the ancient Inca Empire – their manure allowed corn to be grown high in the mountains.
* There are 2 different types of wool – Huacaya and Suri.
* Llama is the national symbol of Peru.
* Llamas are smart and easy to train.
* Eyes are able to look each in its own direction.
* Dozens of hairstyles can be created from llama`s fur.
* Do not bite, but when irritated can spit up to 4.5m far.
* Spit their gastric juice.
* Can carry up to one third of its weight.
* Can set boundaries – will not move if the load is too heavy.
* There is a clear hierarchy in the herd – status is won by jostling, spitting and kicking.
*”Communal poopers” – all tend to do it in one place.
* Llama carts are used in festive parades, wedding ceremonies.
* Super short tongue – poked out on the outside it will be only 1.3cm long.
* Talisman of the online video game Fortnite.